AGM Minutes 2022

Warwickshire County Association of Cricket Officials


2022​​ Annual​​ General​​ Meeting​​ Minutes


The meeting was held​​ via Zoom​​ on Tuesday, 11th​​ January, 2022​​ at 7:30pm.


In the absence of the President, David Bird​​ chaired the meeting.


1. Attendance & Welcome

There​​ were​​ 36​​ members in attendance.​​ A minute’s silence was held in memory of​​ David Cook, Steve Scattergood​​ and​​ Nick Williams,​​ who had died since the 2021​​ AGM.


2. Apologies

There were​​ 37​​ apologies for absence.


3. Minutes of the 2021​​ AGM

The minutes of the 2021​​ AGM were distributed with the Agenda.​​ Eddie Boileau​​ proposed approving the minutes, and was seconded​​ by​​ Steve Hartley. The​​ minutes were approved nem con.


4. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


5. Chairman’s Report

The Chairman’s Report was distributed with the Agenda.​​ Chris Brown​​ proposed approving the report, and was seconded​​ by​​ David Johnson. The​​ report was approved​​ nem con.


Ed McCabe was present and thanked a number of Officers for their work within WCACO;​​ specifically,​​ Keith Boyall, Rob Evans and David Johnson.​​ He has spoken to David Bird​​ about plans for​​ diversifying WCACO membership in 2022, in areas including female and youth representation.


The Brampton Burroughs Trophy was awarded to​​ Sue Redfern.


6. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was distributed with the Agenda.


Paul Stratford​​ proposed approving the Treasurer’s Report and Statement of Accounts. The proposal​​ was seconded by​​ Howard Clay. The proposal was passed nem con.


7. Subscriptions for 2022

The Treasurer proposed​​ no​​ subscriptions​​ for 2022.


Ian Murrie​​ seconded the proposal. The proposal was passed nem con.


8. Constitution Amendment

The Committee proposed to retitle the Welfare Officer role as “Safeguarding Officer”. The proposal​​ was seconded by​​ Eddie Boileau. The proposal was passed nem con.


9.​​ Election of Officers

Notification​​ of incumbents,​​ willing to stand for election,​​ was distributed with the Agenda​​ together with the nomination of Ismail Khan for Members’ Representative 1.


The following Officers were elected in turn:



Alex Holowczak,​​ proposed by​​ Steve Hartley,​​ seconded by​​ Chris Taylor.

There were no other candidates.

Alex Holowczak​​ was elected nem con.


Development Officer

David Johnson, proposed by​​ Eddie Boileau, seconded by​​ Ian Gorton.

There were no other candidates.

David Johnson​​ was elected nem con.


Safeguarding Officer

Eddie Boileau, proposed by​​ Peter Romyn, seconded​​ by​​ Vic Clements.

There were no other candidates.

Eddie Boileau​​ was elected nem con.


Members’​​ Representative 1

Ismail Khan, proposed​​ by​​ David Bird, seconded by​​ Keith Boyall.

There were no other candidates.

Ismail Khan​​ was elected nem con.


Umpires Education Officer

Interested members​​ are invited to email​​ David​​ Bird​​ after the meeting.


10. Appointment of Independent Examiners

Howard Russell and David Griffith, proposed​​ by​​ Steve Hartley, seconded​​ by​​ Chris Brown.

There were no other candidates.

Howard Russell and David Griffith were elected nem con.


11. Nominations for Life Membership

David Johnson,​​ proposed by the Committee. The proposal was passed nem con.

Heather Vernon,​​ proposed by the Committee. The proposal was passed nem con.


12. Nominations for Vice President

Sue Redfern,​​ proposed by the Committee. The proposal was passed nem con.

Alan Seville,​​ proposed by the Committee. The proposal was passed nem con.


13. To consider and, if appropriate, act upon any motions received

The Committee proposed that “Money received from members who do not cancel their standing orders will be donated to a cricketing charity of the WCACO Committee’s choosing.”​​ The proposal was passed nem con.


14. Any Other Business

(a)​​ David Johnson informed Warwickshire League Panel umpires that he would be sending out the availability letters on 1st​​ February.

(b) David Bird spoke about the absence of planned meeting dates at Edgbaston. This was due to the ongoing situation with covid. Realistic suggestions for invitees to such meetings were invited by email.


The​​ meeting closed at​​ 20:19.