Next Members Meeting

We have arranged a members meeting for Thursday, 7th December, commencing at 7.45pm in the Olton Room at West Warwickshire Sports Club, 78 Grange Rd, Solihull B91 1DA.

We have several speakers for you:

1. Our President, Keith Little, will regale you with umpiring stories covering his many years as a leading umpire in Warwickshire and beyond.

2. Ed McCabe, General Manager Warwickshire Cricket Board, will update us on recent developments and will introduce Tom Cunningham-Smith, who has recently joined the team at Edgbaston as County Safeguarding & Compliance Manager. Tom will outline his role and the support he can provide to us all.

3. David Johnson will tell us about the new ECB Umpire Course and will announce a range of Umpire training courses we shall be running in December and the New Year.

We have arranged to have access to the main bar at the Club and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.