Forthcoming Scorers Courses

The following scorers courses are coming up in Spring 2025:

Introduction to Scoring – 23rd February 9.30-16.30 Kenilworth Wardens CC — Link to follow later.

Club Scorer – 2nd and 9th March 10.00 to 16.30 Indoor Cricket Centre, Edgbaston – Suitable for scorers who are scoring regularly for a team.  The course covers the traditional book method of scoring to give a good understanding on how to score a cricket match.

·       SCS/000217: 

Electronic Scoring course (PCS Pro) –  23rd March 10.00 to 16.30 Indoor Cricket Centre, Edgbaston – Introduction into using the Computer based scoring program. 

·       ES/000103: 

Introduction to Scoring – 23rd February 9.30-16.30 Kenilworth Wardens CC – this course gives an insight into what the symbols used in cricket scoring mean and what the umpire is signalling. The session covers how score using a traditional book. 

·     SINT/000175:

Next WCACO Members Meeting

Our next Members Meeting will be on Tuesday, 3rd December, in the Chairman’s Lounge at Edgbaston Stadium at 7:30pm. Tea and coffee will be available upon arrival.

I am very pleased to confirm that Jack Shantry, member of the Professional Umpires Panel, has agreed to come along and make a presentation & also talk about his umpiring career to date. That will be the majority of the meeting. Normal notices and an education update will also be given.

Forthcoming Umpire Training Courses

The following local ECB Umpire Courses are taking place at the dates and venues below. If you wish to attend one of these courses, which are the first step on the ECB Umpire Pathway, then please sign up below!

Warwickshire (Alcester)24/11/2024
Staffordshire (Walsall)30/11/2024
Northamptonshire (Northampton)01/12/2024
Worcestershire (Worcester)08/12/2024
Leicestershire (Leicester)05/01/2025
Derbyshire (Glossop)19/01/2025
Warwickshire  (Ashlawn)26/01/2025

ECB Concussion Guidelines

We are aware that there has been a considerable degree of debate on this subject.

Below is the definitive advice to all umpires.

  1. The ECB guidelines on concussion remain unaltered. In the simplest terms, they are that concussion is a possible serious injury that may be caused by what appears to be the slightest head strike.
  2. A head strike may result from anyone on the field of play (including umpires) being hit by the ball, by people running into each other, running into items surrounding (or exceptionally on) the field of play or a someone falling and hitting their head on the ground.
  3. In the event that either umpire believes a head strike has occurred they:
    a. Shall immediately call and signal dead ball irrespective of the state of play.
    b. Shall not allow play to recommence until the player(s) involved has been assessed by the adult responsible for the player’s team(s) and determined to be fit to continue.
    c. Shall themselves take no part in this determination.
    d. Shall continue to monitor the player(s) involved and if either umpire considers a further evaluation of the player’s fitness to continue is required, shall repeat a. to c. above.
    Links are provided below to two documents that explain the full protocol umpires should adopt.
  4. Law 20.4.2 states that when either umpire is required to call and signal dead ball, the ball is considered to have become dead at the instant of the incident that requires the call to be made. Although the Law allows the call to be delayed to not disadvantage either side under certain circumstances, a head strike i.e.: a possible serious injury, is not one of these. As a consequence:
    a. Neither batter can be dismissed after a head strike
    b. No further runs can be scored, but runs already scored and the run-in progress, if the batters have crossed, will be allowed.
  5. This guidance applies to every recreational cricket match played in England and Wales up to and including matches involving the 1st XI of National Counties. Separate guidance relating to Open Age Group and Women’s Professional cricket will be provided to those who are appointed to umpire these games.