Warwickshire County Association of Cricket Officials
2018 Annual General Meeting Minutes
The meeting was held at Moseley CC on Tuesday, 16th January, 2018 at 7:30pm.
In the absence of John Jameson, David Bird chaired the meeting.
1. Attendance & Welcome
There were 57 members in attendance. A minute’s silence was held in memory of John Newell and Ian Warner, who had died since the 2017 AGM.
2. Apologies
There were 30 apologies for absence.
3. Minutes of the 2017 AGM
The minutes of the 2017 AGM were distributed with the Agenda. Eddie Boileau proposed approving the minutes, and was seconded by John Bates. The proposal was passed nem con.
4. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
5. Chairman’s Report
The Chairman’s Report was distributed with the Agenda. Mike Iwanicki proposed approving the report, and was seconded by Paul Stratford. The proposal was passed nem con.
The Brampton Burroughs Trophy was awarded to John Jameson which, owing to his ill health, had been presented to him at home. The meeting gave a rapturous round of applause for John.
Certificates were presented to those umpires and scorers in attendance who passed officials’ courses in 2018.
6. Secretary’s Report
The Secretary’s Report was distributed with the Agenda. David Fletcher proposed approving the report, and was seconded by Eddie Boileau. The proposal was passed nem con.
7. Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was distributed with the Agenda. The Treasurer specifically noted that while there had been 25 members join the Association, this was fewer than the number who had left. There will no longer be a requirement to complete a form, or membership cards be issued. The Treasurer was keen to encourage members to pay by BACS or standing order, in preference to handling cheques and cash.
Howard Russell, one of the independent examiners, was asked to comment on the accounts. He commended the quality of the Treasurer’s records, and said there were no problems at all with the accounts.
Chris Brown proposed approving the Treasurer’s Report and Statement of Accounts, and was seconded by Alan Bray. The proposal was passed nem con.
8. Subscriptions for 2018
The Treasurer proposed subscriptions of:
£20 Employed
£15 Students/Unemployed/Retired
£5 Social Members
There would be a £10 discount for Employed or Students/Unemployed/Retired subscriptions if these were paid by 1st March.
Chris Brown seconded the proposal. The proposal was passed nem con.
9. Election of Officers
Notification that all incumbents were willing to stand for election was distributed with the Agenda.
The following Officers were elected in turn:
David Bird, proposed by Steve Scattergood, seconded by David Johnson.
There were no other candidates.
David Bird was elected nem con.
Appointments Officer
Keith Boyall, proposed by Paul Stratford, seconded by Peter Cox.
There were no other candidates.
Keith Boyall was elected nem con.
Scorers Officer
Heather Vernon, proposed by Steve Scattergood, seconded by Eddie Boileau.
There were no other candidates.
Heather Vernon was elected nem con.
Membership Services Officer
Sue Redfern, proposed by Heather Vernon, seconded by David Gower.
There were no other candidates.
Sue Redfern was elected nem con.
Performance Officer
John Bates was standing down as Performance Officer. Applications were invited along with the distribution of papers for the AGM, but none had been forthcoming. John Bates would carry out necessary tasks until his replacement is appointed.
Members Representatives
John Bates and Chris Brown, proposed by Steve Scattergood, seconded by Eddie Boileau.
There were no other candidates.
John Bates and Chris Brown were elected nem con.
10. Appointment of Independent Examiners
Howard Russell and David Griffith, proposed by Sue Redfern, seconded by David Johnson.
There were no other candidates.
Howard Russell and David Griffith were elected nem con.
11. Nominations for Life Membership
John Bates was nominated for life membership of the Association. This was passed nem con.
12. Nominations for Vice President
Eddie Boileau was nominated for Vice President of the Association by John Bates. This was passed nem con.
13. To Consider Any Motions Received
No motions were received.
14. Any Other Business
a. Umpires’ Courses
DJ outlined the new process for umpires, and encouraged members present to look at the MCC Laws website. The Stage 1 and 2 courses at Bedworth on Monday nights were cancelled. The Bedworth course will instead run on Saturdays in March. There will be presentations on the new Laws at the February and March monthly meetings.
b. Scorers’ Courses
HV outlined the courses being organised by WCACO during the Spring. After TCS went into receivership, the ECB have developed a new laptop application for scorers in time for the 2018 season.
c. Appointments’ Matters
KB asked members to update their availability on Who’s the Umpire as soon as possible, and outlined a number of appointment opportunities in various competitions that would be available.
d. DBS Update
SR informed the meeting about the new DBS process.
e. WCACO clothing
SR informed the meeting of the tender process to appoint a new clothing manufacturer. A £10 discount on the first WCACO clothing item was proposed by David Bird and seconded by Paul Stratford. This was passed nem con.
f. ECB Innovation Fund
West Midlands have £12,500 available. Warwickshire has put forward two proposals for funding which aim to increase its activities towards recruiting young officials and female officials.
The meeting closed at 8:38pm.