AGM Minutes 2020

Warwickshire County Association of Cricket Officials


2020​​ Annual​​ General​​ Meeting​​ Minutes


The meeting was held at Moseley CC on Tuesday, 14th​​ January, 2020​​ at 7:30pm.


John Jameson chaired the meeting.


1. Attendance & Welcome

There​​ were​​ 41​​ members in attendance.​​ Ed McCabe, the Warwickshire Cricket Board​​ General Manager, was also in attendance.​​ A minute’s silence was held in memory of​​ Alan Bray, who had died since the 2019​​ AGM.


2. Apologies

There were​​ 40​​ apologies for absence.


3. Minutes of the 2019​​ AGM

The minutes of the 2019​​ AGM were distributed with the Agenda.​​ Steven Scattergood​​ proposed approving the minutes, and was seconded​​ by​​ David Johnson. The​​ minutes were approved nem con.


4. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


5. Chairman’s Report

The Chairman’s Report was distributed with the Agenda.​​ Trevor Brown​​ proposed approving the report, and was seconded​​ by John Bates. The​​ report was approved​​ nem con.


The Brampton Burroughs Trophy was awarded to​​ Keith Boyall.


The​​ WCB OSCA​​ for Outstanding Services to Umpiring​​ was presented to​​ Trevor Brown.


6. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was distributed with the Agenda.


Eddie Boileau​​ proposed approving the Treasurer’s Report and Statement of Accounts, and was seconded by​​ Chris Brown. The proposal was passed nem con.


7. Subscriptions for 2020

The Treasurer proposed subscriptions of:



£5Social Members


There would be​​ a £10​​ discount for Employed or​​ Students/Unemployed/Retired subscriptions if these were paid by 1st​​ March.


Eddie Boileau​​ seconded the proposal. The proposal was passed nem con.


12. To Consider Any Motions Received

The meeting approved a​​ request​​ by the President to​​ move​​ item 12​​ to​​ this point of​​ the Agenda.


(a)​​ Renaming the post of Performance Officer​​ to Development Officer

Approving the revised Constitution​​ was​​ approved nem con.


8.​​ Election of Officers

Notification that all incumbents were willing to stand for election was distributed with the Agenda.


The following Officers were elected in turn:



John Jameson, proposed by​​ David Bird,​​ seconded by​​ Ken Horden.

There were no other candidates.

John Jameson​​ was elected nem con.



David Paxton, proposed by​​ Keith Boyall, seconded by​​ Ian Harris.

There were no other candidates.

David Paxton​​ was elected nem con.


Education Officer

Rob Evans, proposed by​​ the Committee, seconded​​ by​​ Heather Vernon.

There were no other candidates.

Rob Evans​​ was elected nem con.


Members Representative 2

John Bates, proposed​​ by​​ Eddie Boileau, seconded by​​ Trevor Brown.

Robert Noon was nominated by Rob Evans. Ken Horden seconded Rob Evans.

Robert Noon was elected by 18 votes to 15.


Development​​ Officer

David Johnson, proposed by the Committee, seconded​​ by​​ Rob Evans.

There were no other candidates.

David Johnson was elected nem con.


Scorers Officer

Christine Phillips, proposed by​​ the Committee, seconded​​ by​​ Heather Vernon.

There were no other candidates.

Christine Phillips was elected nem con.


9. Appointment of Independent Examiners

Howard Russell and David Griffith, proposed​​ by​​ Saad Bhatti, seconded​​ by​​ Heather Vernon.

There were no other candidates.

Howard Russell and David Griffith were elected nem con.


10. Nominations for Life Membership

Neil Garland and David Paxton were nominated by the Committee.

There were no other candidates.

Neil Garland and David Paxton approved​​ to Life Membership nem con.


11. Nominations for Vice President

Brian Goodall was nominated by the Committee.

There were no other candidates.

Brian Goodall approved​​ to​​ Vice President​​ nem con.


13. Any Other Business

(a) Neil Davies was thanked for providing several of the raffle prizes.

(b)​​ The President asked the membership if people wanted the​​ AGM papers​​ to be published on​​ the website in future?​​ The meeting was broadly supportive of the idea, but there were some concerns. The meeting agreed that any concerns would be sent to the Secretary before the next Committee meeting on 25th​​ February. The Committee would then make a decision as to the publication of the 2021 Annual General Meeting papers.

(c) The dates for the monthly meetings were confirmed.​​ It was noted that the attendance at the most recent Coventry meetings was poor, and the meeting was asked for its views on future meetings in Coventry.

(d)​​ There was a comment on .docx papers not being openable by some people who did not have access to it.


The​​ meeting closed at​​ 8:22pm.