AGM Minutes 2019

Warwickshire County Association of Cricket Officials


2019​​ Annual​​ General​​ Meeting​​ Minutes


The meeting was held at Moseley CC on Tuesday, 15th​​ January, 2019​​ at 7:30pm.


John Jameson chaired the meeting.


1. Attendance & Welcome

There​​ were​​ 53​​ members in attendance.​​ Alex Roslyn, from the Warwickshire Cricket Board, was also in attendance.​​ A minute’s silence was held in memory of​​ Alan Oakman, Colin​​ McKenzie and John Nash, who had died since the 2018​​ AGM.


2. Apologies

There were​​ 42​​ apologies for absence.


3. Minutes of the 2018​​ AGM

The minutes of the 2018​​ AGM were distributed with the Agenda.​​ Eddie Boileau​​ proposed approving the minutes, and was seconded​​ by​​ John Bates. The proposal was passed nem con.


4. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


5. Chairman’s Report

The Chairman’s Report was distributed with the Agenda.​​ Neil Davies​​ proposed approving the report, and was seconded by​​ David Johnson. The​​ proposal was passed nem con.


The Brampton Burroughs Trophy was awarded to​​ David Johnson.


Certificates were presented to those umpires and scorers in attendance who passed officials’ courses in 2018.


6. Secretary’s Report

The Secretary’s Report was distributed with the Agenda.​​ Paul Stratford​​ proposed approving the report, and was seconded by​​ Keith Boyall. The proposal was passed nem con.


7. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was distributed with the Agenda.


Eddie Boileau​​ proposed approving the Treasurer’s Report and Statement of Accounts, and was seconded by​​ Paul Stratford. The proposal was passed nem con.


8. Subscriptions for 2019

The Treasurer proposed subscriptions of:



£5Social Members


There would be​​ a £10​​ discount for Employed or​​ Students/Unemployed/Retired subscriptions if these were paid by 1st​​ March.


Steve Scattergood​​ seconded the proposal. The proposal was passed nem con.


13. To Consider Any Motions Received

The meeting approved a​​ request​​ by the President to​​ move​​ item 13 to​​ this point of​​ the Agenda.


(a) To approve the revised Constitution

Approving the revised Constitution​​ was proposed by​​ David Bird​​ and seconded by John​​ Jameson.

The proposal was approved nem con.


(b) To approve a new Code of Conduct

It was clarified that this Code of Conduct covered just Warwickshire; and there was already a national Code of Conduct.

Approving the Code of Conduct was proposed​​ by​​ David Johnson,​​ and seconded by​​ David Bird.

The proposal was approved with 1 against.


9.​​ Election of Officers

Notification that all incumbents were willing to stand for election was distributed with the Agenda.


The following Officers were elected in turn:



Alex Holowczak, proposed by​​ Steve Scattergood,​​ seconded by​​ Paul Stratford.

There were no other candidates.

Alex Holowczak​​ was elected nem con.


Welfare​​ Officer

Eddie Boileau, proposed by​​ David Ludlow, seconded by​​ Paul Stratford.

There were no other candidates.

Eddie Boileau​​ was elected nem con.


Performance Officer

Colin Jennings, proposed by​​ the Committee, seconded​​ by​​ Trevor Brown.

There were no other candidates.

Colin Jennings​​ was elected nem con.


Members Representatives

John Bates and Chris Brown, proposed​​ by​​ Saad Bhatti, seconded by​​ Trevor Brown.

There were no other candidates.

John Bates and Chris Brown were elected nem con.


10. Appointment of Independent Examiners

Howard Russell and David Griffith, proposed​​ by John Bates, seconded​​ by​​ Saad Bhatti.

There were no other candidates.

Howard Russell and David Griffith were elected nem con.


11. Nominations for Life Membership

There were no nominations for Life Membership.


12. Nominations for Vice President

There were no nominations for Vice President.


14. Any Other Business

(a) Heather Vernon updated the meeting with regard to Scorer’s courses this winter.

(b)​​ Those in attendance were encouraged to attend the Association’s​​ Monthly Meetings​​ in​​ 2019, the schedule for which was distributed with the Agenda.​​ 

(c) The MCC has announced that changes to the Laws of Cricket will be operative from 1st​​ April. Members were invited to visit the MCC website to find out more information about these.

(d) David Johnson informed the meeting that match record cards were available.

(e) Colin Jennings spoke on behalf of Phil Williams, to inform attendees about the Midland Cricket Clubs’ Conference Dinner, held on 1st​​ March at the Tally Ho Sports Centre.

(f) Peter Cox has received an increased number of applicants for the Warwickshire League compared with last year, and is happy to receive further applications.

(g) Keith Boyall advised the attendees that people should ensure their availability is up-to-date soon in order to receive appoints from Who’s The Umpire.

(h) David Gower explained the process for appointing umpires to the National Knockout games.


The​​ meeting closed at​​ 8:08pm.