AGM Minutes 2021

Warwickshire County Association of Cricket Officials


2021​​ Annual​​ General​​ Meeting​​ Minutes


The meeting was held​​ via Zoom​​ on Tuesday, 12th​​ January, 2021​​ at 7:30pm.


John Jameson chaired the meeting.


1. Attendance & Welcome

There​​ were​​ 42​​ members in attendance.​​ A minute’s silence was held in memory of​​ Chris Bryant, Tom Gray and Peter Ogden, who had died since the 2020​​ AGM.


2. Apologies

There were​​ 40​​ apologies for absence.


3. Minutes of the 2020​​ AGM

The minutes of the 2020​​ AGM were distributed with the Agenda.​​ Keith Little​​ proposed approving the minutes, and was seconded​​ by​​ Howard Clay. The​​ minutes were approved nem con.


4. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


5. Chairman’s Report

The Chairman’s Report was distributed with the Agenda.​​ David Johnson​​ proposed approving the report, and was seconded​​ by​​ Howard Clay. The​​ report was approved​​ nem con.


The Brampton Burroughs Trophy was awarded to​​ Kevin Edgar.


6. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was distributed with the Agenda.


Steve Hartley​​ proposed approving the Treasurer’s Report and Statement of Accounts, and was seconded by​​ Chris Brown. The proposal was passed nem con.


7. Subscriptions for 2021

The Treasurer proposed subscriptions of:


  • Members, who paid a subscription in 2020, will not be asked to pay an additional subscription for 2021.

  • Members in 2019, who did not pay a subscription in 2020, will be asked to pay a subscription of £20 (employed) or £15 (unemployed/retired). This will be discounted by £10 if payment is received by 1st March 2021.

  • Members, who received complimentary membership in 2019/20 and/or 2020/21 by taking face to face and/or online training courses, will continue to receive complimentary membership for 2021.

James Gratrix​​ seconded the proposal. The proposal was passed nem con.


8.​​ Election of Officers

Notification that all incumbents were willing to stand for election was distributed with the Agenda.


The following Officers were elected in turn:



David Bird,​​ proposed by​​ Keith Little,​​ seconded by​​ Mark Turner.

There were no other candidates.

David Bird​​ was elected nem con.


Scorers’ Officer

Christine Phillips, proposed by​​ Eddie Boileau, seconded by​​ Steve Scattergood.

There were no other candidates.

Christine Phillips​​ was elected nem con.


Appointments Officer

Keith Boyall, proposed by​​ the​​ Peter Romyn, seconded​​ by​​ David Johnson.

There were no other candidates.

Keith Boyall​​ was elected nem con.


Membership Services Officer

Robert Noon, proposed​​ by​​ Eddie Boileau, seconded by​​ Jonathan Chappell.

There were no other candidates.

Robert Noon was elected nem con.


Members Representative 2

Nominations are invited to email the Secretary after the meeting.


9. Appointment of Independent Examiners

Howard Russell and David Griffith, proposed​​ by​​ Mark Turner, seconded​​ by​​ John Liggins.

There were no other candidates.

Howard Russell and David Griffith were elected nem con.


10. Nominations for Life Membership

There were no nominations for Life Membership.


11. Nominations for Vice President

There were no nominations for Vice President.


12. To consider and, if appropriate, act upon any motions received

There were no motions received.


13. Any Other Business

(a) David Paxton reminded members who had set up a standing order to pay WCACO membership to cancel it for 2021 in lieu of the membership fee resolution passed earlier.

(b)​​ John Liggins requested a Zoom meeting to be briefed on the regulations in preparation for a potential 2021 season. David Bird spoke favourably of the idea once we knew what the 2021 season and regulations might look like.

(c) Howard Clay asked about the observation role in 2021. David Bird expressed the view that observations would be desirable in 2021 if circumstance allow.

(d) David Johnson briefly covered the range of education courses being organised online during Spring 2021.


The​​ meeting closed at​​ 19:54.